The Influence of Christianity

Manifold blessings from Christianity flow like water upon the hands of the nations.
Where are the orphanages created and sustained by atheists? There are none. And before Christianity, it was common for orphans to be turned into slaves or left to die.
Kindness and benevolence is but one example of the great benefits humanity has enjoyed from the influence of Christianity.
But there are others. In this lesson, we examine several key gifts to humanity that flow from the blood of Christ and his disciples who faithfully serve him.
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Comment by Johnson Chuku at 4:45AM.
Jared, can someone,brother Wayne Jackson preferably, enlighten me on Roman 14? Many have used Rom. 14 to justify the celebration of christmas. How can this be? Please help me understand for I don’t see it in any of the passages.
Comment by John M. Van Voorhis at 9:02AM.
Jared: This is a great sermon. Great points are made based upon the clear background of conditions olf the day. Christians today need to repent of their self-centered lives
Comment by Richard Parsons at 8:32PM.
Brother Wayne does a very good job of showing how Christianity changed the world in the first century. This lesson also shows the stark contrast between the world’s religions of today and the true religion of Jehovah. As I listened to this sermon the second time, I was reminded not only of the power of God’s word to change people, but the power of the example that we present to others as well. Certainly by the power of God’s word and perhaps by our example we can lead others to obey the gospel. I have often wondered about how apostle Paul was influenced by the Christians he persecuted before he obeyed the gospel, Acts 22:19,20. We must not underestimate the power of God as His power works through us.
Comment by Herb Carnagey at 12:32AM.
Learn about a cold cruel world and how it was changed. New recognitions and dispositions dispelled much that was dark.It is invigorating to the lives of people to know that they are “so loved” by God. It is encouraging for people to know that each individual is precious to God no matter what color, status or nationality they are. Knowing we are accountable in the future for what we do here has remedial ramifications. Learning the joy of serving others brings blessed happiness. Learn about these things in this “Makes-You-Glad-You-Are-A- Part-Of-Christianity” lesson. Breath in deeply here.