The Three Phases of the Kingdom of God
A crown of thorns—an object of humiliation so undeserving of the King of kings.
Yet, it was the chosen path for our Lord. And through his death and resurrection, he was declared to be the King of heaven and earth.
In this lesson, we examine the concept of the kingdom of God in three phases: his kingdom revealed in the Old Testament, the establishment of Christ’s kingdom in the New Testament, and the revelation of the eternal kingdom which will exist in perpetuity following the Second Coming of Christ.
I believe this will be one of the most valuable lessons we will ever enjoy and prosper spiritually from—if we can truly grasp its significance.
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Comment by Lynn Burgess at 8:40AM.
I just finished reading the transcript, (thank you Jared for providing this resource,) and I have to say that this is a great lesson. It brings all the elements of the kingdom together in one study and would be a valuable help in teaching someone about the nature of God’s kingdom. This will be a resource I’ll keep on hand the next time I get into a discussion with someone on this subject.
Comment by Denis Tomlinson at 5:17PM.
I have gained invaluable insight concerning the kingdom of God. Thanks much
Comment by Herb Carnagey at 7:45AM.
Comments from Lynn and Denis are “right on”.Become excited again about the Kingdom of God in this lesson. The “golden nuggets” from Mark 10 were cheerfully picked up. Thank you.
Comment by Lewis Andrews at 6:28AM.
Excellent materiel! Thanks
Lewis Andrews